Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shrine of Lady Masooma (as), Dua Tawassul

Dua Tawassul is being recited in the video.

"This is video footage of the Shrine of the Holy Lady Fatima Masooma [s] who is buried in the Holy city of Qum, where many pilgrims go for ziyarat.

The value of making a pilgrimage(the ziarat) to the shrine of Masooma-e-Qum is observed by the words of the holy Imams [a]:

1.Imam Al Baqir [a] has said:Whoever performs the Ziarat of Masooma-e-Qum will be rewarded by a place in Heaven.

2.Imam Al Sadiq [a] has said: If you want to earn a place in heaven then perform the Ziarat of Masooma-e-Qum.

3.Imam Al Ridha [a] has said: Whoever attends the Ziarat of my sister is like he has performed my Ziarat and indeed he/she will be rewarded a place in Paradise.

The background track that I have included is the musibat of Fatima [s], the daughter of the Prophet [p]. There are narrations which indicate that one who wishes to do ziyarat of Fatima [s] should pay visit to Masooma e Qum [s].

May Allah accept our ziyarat and may He give us the ability to serve the Master of age Al Mahdi [aj]. "

Here is another video of Dua Tawassul:

1 comment:

otowi said...

Alhumdooleluh, pretty much every time I go to Bloglines since I posted on Lady Masooma (as), this site is showing as if it has a new post. Salawat.