O Allah, be for Your deputy, al-Hujjah ibn al Hassan, May Your Blessings be upon him and his ancestors, now and at all times, Master and Protector and Guide and Helper and Proof and Guard until he resides peacefully on Your earth; and let him enjoy for a long time.
From History Behind Masjid Jamarkan Along with Selected Supplications, translated by Saleem Bhimji:
[Writing letters ('Aritha) to the Imam (as) is one of the best ways for us to keep in contact with him. We are able to express our feelings to him and if we hvae any difficulties or problems, then we can ask him for help.
In his book, Muntaha al-Amal, the Late Muhaddith Qummi relates from Allamah Majlisi that, 'Whoever has any wish, should write the following Dua down on paper and write his wishes. It should then be placed in the metal enclosure around the grave of an Imam (as), or sealed, wrapepd in mud and thrown in to a river, well, or pond. In this way, it will reach Sahib al Asr wa al-Zaman (as), and he will be obliged to answer one's requests.] Maybe he can get it electronically, too, Allah swt knows.
[Ariza can be written to Imam-e-Zaman as.gif whenever you feel a need or you are into a problem. No matter how big is your problem Imam-e-Zamana is the Imam of our time & HE is a Hujjat from Allah (s.w.t). Allah has granted him the power & because of his exsistence this entire universe is in to exsistence
You can write in any Language or your own too.
Our beleif is that Imam as.gif knows about all our affairs and is always ready to help us. He is aware of our action & he helps us even if we don’t ask or seek His (a.t.f.s) help. “We are never neglectful of your guardianship nor are we ever unmindful of your remembrance”. (Behaarul Anwar, V. 53, pg. 176)
But if we write Ariza to Imam as then or belief comes to our action.
After writing the Ariza you can put the same it to Well, or in the earth or you can put in to to zari (grave) of any Imam (a.s) which are in IRAQ/IRAN/Medina.
We Should inculcate the habit to write to Imam as whenever we are in difficulty rather than approaching someone who doesn’t has the power on any thing. Rather than writing a letter to a Minister or President we should write to our Master who has the control of our all affairs.
It always goes to Allah (swt). But unlike us, Imam as are infallibles and they hold a MUCH greater position infront of Allah (swt) and if we ask them to put forth our request in front of Allah (swt), if we go through them then Allah (swt) is going to accept our prayers faster. As has being said many times, tawassul is not wajib. You can pray directly too
Your basic intention should be to ask the Imam to interceed on your behalf Inshallah Imam as will heed your call.] Translation of Dua-e-Ariza
I have written to you O my master, may His mercy and blessing be on you, seeking a favour from you.
I have complained to you for what has happened to me seeking solutions firstly from Allah
and then from you for a matter that has obsessed me.
I am helpless in combating the problem and for that I have resorted to seeking help from Allah and from you.
Knowing the status you have with Allah.
I am confident that you will help me get the solutions to my problems swiftly and that you will intercede on my behalf.
I am helpless and moreover I am sinful:
so help O master and present this problem to Allah and I pray to Him that He will solve this quickly
and grant me victory and success in finding the solution to my problems.
(Write your personal wishes and problems in the provided space - you can write with dots and dashes if you fear someone may read it that you do not wish to see it)
O Allah! I beseech Thee by Thy mercy which encompasses all things And by Thy power by which Thou overcometh all things and submit to it all things and humble before it all things And by Thy might by which Thou hast conquered all things And by Thy majesty against which nothing can stand up
And by Thy grandeur which prevails upon all things And by Thy authority which is exercised over all things And by Thy own self that shall endure forever after all things have vanished And by Thy Names which manifest Thy power over all things And by Thy knowledge which pervades all things And by the light of Thy countenance which illuminates everything O Thou who art the light!
O Thou who art the most holy! O Thou who existed before the foremost! O Thou who shall exist after the last!
O Allah! Forgive me my such sins as would affront my continency O Allah! Forgive me my such sins as would bring down calamity
O Allah! Forgive me my such sins as would change divine favours (into disfavours (O Allah! Forgive me my such sins as would hinder my supplication O Allah! Forgive me such sins as bring down misfortunes (or afflictions) O Allah! Forgive my such sins as would suppress hope
O Allah! Forgive every sin that I have committed and every error that I have erred O Allah! I endeavour to draw myself nigh to Thee through Thy invocation And I pray to Thee to intercede on my behalf And I entreat Thee by Thy benevolence to draw me nearer to Thee And grant me that I should be grateful to Thee and inspire me to remember and to invoke Thee
O Allah! I entreat Thee begging Thee submissively, humbly and awestrickenly To treat me with clemency and mercy, and to make me pleased and contented with what Thou hast allotted to me And cause me to be modest and unassuming in all circumstances
O Allah! I beg Thee as one who is passing through extreme privation and who supplicates his needs to Thee and his hope has been greatly raised by that which is with Thee
O Allah! Great is Thy kingdom and exalted is Thy greatness Thy plan is secret, Thy authority is manifest, Thy might is victorious and subduing and Thy power is prevalent throughout and it is not possible to escape from Thy dominion
O Allah! Except Thee I do not find any one able to pardon my sins nor to conceal my loathsome acts Nor have I any one except Thee to change my evil deeds into virtues There is no god but Thou glory and praise be to Thee I have made my own soul to suffer I had the audacity (to sin) by my ignorance Relying upon my past remembrance of Thee and Thy grace towards me
O Allah! My Lord! How many of my loathsome acts hast Thou screened (from public gaze) How many of my grievous afflictions (distresses) hast Thou reduced in severity And how many of my stumblings hast Thou protected, how many of my detestable acts has Thou averted, and how many of my undeserving praises hast Thou spread abroad!
O Allah! My trials and sufferings have increased and my evilness has worsened, my good deeds have diminished and my yokes (of misdeeds) have become firm And remote hopes restrain me to profit (by good deeds) and the world has deceived me with its allurements and my own self has been affected by treachery and procrastination
Therefore, my Lord! I implore Thee by Thy greatness not to let my sins and my misdeeds shut out access to my prayers from reaching Thy realm and not to disgrace me by exposing those (hidden ones) of which Thou hast knowledge nor to hasten my retribution for those vices and misdeeds committed by me in secret which were due to evil mindedness, ignorance, excessive lustfulness and my negligence
O Allah! I beg Thee by Thy greatness to be compassionate to me in all circumstances and well disposed towards me in all matters My God! My Nourisher! Have I anyone except Thee from whom I can seek the dislodging of my evils and understanding of my problems?
My God! My Master! Thou decreed a law for me but instead I obeyed my own low desires And I did not guard myself against the allurements of my enemy He deceived me with vain hopes whereby I was led astray and fate helped him in that respect Thus I transgressed some of its limits set for me by Thee and I disobeyed some of Thy commandments;
Thou hast therefore a (just) cause against me in all those matters and I have no plea against Thy judgement passed against me I have therefore become (justifiably) liable to Thy judgement and afflictions
But now I have turned Thee, my Lord, after being guilty of omissions and transgressions against my soul, apologetically, repentantly, broken heartedly, entreating earnestly for forgiveness, yieldingly confessing (to my guilt) as I can find no escape from that which was done by me and having no refuge to which I could turn except seeking Thy acceptance of my excuse and admitting me into the realm of Thy capacious mercy
O Allah! Accept my apology and have pity on my intense sufferings and set me free from my heavy fetters (of evil deeds) My Nourisher! Have mercy on the infirmity of my body, the delicacy of my skin and the brittleness of my bones O' Thou!
Who originated my creation and (accorded me) my individuality, and (ensured) my upbringing and welfare (and provided) my sustenance (I beg Thee) to restore Thy favours and blessings upon me as Thou didst in the beginning of my life
O' my God! My master! My Lord! And my Nourisher! What! Wilt Thou see me punished with the fire kindled by Thee despite my belief in Thy unity?
And despite the fact that my heart has been filled with (pure) knowledge of Thee and when my tongue has repeatedly praised Thee and my conscience has acknowledged Thy love and despite my sincere confessions (of my sins) and my humble entreaties submissively made to Thy divinity?
Nay, Thou art far too kind and generous to destroy one whom thyself nourished and supported, or to drive away from Thyself one whom Thou has kept under Thy protection, or to scare away one whom Thy self hast given shelter, or to abandon in affliction one Thou hast maintained and to whom Thou hast been merciful
I wish I had known o' my Master, my God and my Lord! Wilt Thou inflict fire upon faces which have submissively bowed in prostration to Thy greatness, or upon the tongues which have sincerely confirmed Thy unity and have always expressed gratitude to Thee, or upon hearts which have acknowledged Thy divinity with conviction, or upon the minds which accumulated so much knowledge of Thee until they became submissive to Thee, or upon the limbs which strove, at the places appointed for Thy worship, to adore Thee willingly and seek Thy forgiveness submissively?
Such sort (of harshness) is not expected from Thee as it is remote from Thy grace, o' generous one! O' Lord! Thou art aware of my weakness to bear even a minor affliction of this world and its consequence and adversity affecting the denizen of this earth, although such afflictions are momentary, short-lived and transient
How then can I bear the retributions and the punishments of the hereafter which are enormous and of intensive sufferings, of prolonged period and perpetual duration, and which shall never be alleviated for those who deserve the same as those retributions will be the result of Thy wrath; and Thy punishment which neither the heavens nor the earth can withstand and bear! My Lord!
How can I, a weak, insignificant, humble, poor and destitute creature of Thine be able to bear them?
O' my God! My Lord! My King! And Master! Which of the matters shall I complain to Thee and for which of them shall I bewail and weep? shall I bewail for the pains and pangs of the punishment and their intensity or for the length of sufferings and their duration?
Therefore (my Lord!) If Thou wilt subject me to the penalties (of hell) in company of Thy enemies and cast me with those who merited Thy punishments and tear me apart from Thy friends and those who will be near to Thee, then my God, my Lord and my Master, though I may patiently bear Thy punishments, how can I calmly accept being kept away from Thee?
I reckon that though I may patiently endure the scorching fire of Thy hell, yet how can I resign myself to the denial of Thy pity and clemency? How can I remain in the fire while I have hopes of Thy forgiveness?
O' my Lord! By Thy honour truly do I swear that, if Thou wilt allow my power of speech to be retained by me in the hell, I shall amongst its inmates cry out bewailingly unto Thee like the cry of those who have faith in Thy kindness and compassion And I shall bemoan for Thee (for being deprived of nearness to Thee) the lamentation of those who are bereaved, and I shall keep on calling unto Thee: "Where art Thou o' Friend of the believers! O' (Thou who art) the last hope and resort of those who acknowledge Thee and have faith in Thy clemency and kindness; o' Thou who art the helper of those seeking help! O' Thou who art dear to the hearts of those who truly believe in Thee! And o' Thou who art the Lord of the universe."
My Lord! Glory and praise be to Thee, wouldst Thou (wish) to be seen (disregarding) the voice of a muslim bondman, incarcerated therein (the hell) for his disobedience and imprisoned within its pits for his evildoings and misdeeds, crying out to Thee the utterance of one who has faith in Thy mercy and calling out to Thee in the language of those who believe in Thy unity and seeking to approach Thee by means of Thy epithet "the Creator, the Nourisher, the Accomplisher and the Protector of the entire existence"?
My Lord! Then how could he remain in torments when he hopefully relies upon Thy past forbearance, compassion and mercy?
And how can the fire cause him suffering when he hopes for Thy grace and mercy and how can its roaring flames char him when Thou hearest his voice and sees his plight? And how can he withstand its roaring flames when Thou knowest his fraility? And how can he be tossed about between its layers when Thou knowest his sincerity?
And how can the guards of hell threaten him when he calls out to Thee? "My Lord", and how would Thou abandon him therein (the hell) when he has faith in Thy grace to set him free?
Alas! That is not the concept (held by us) of Thee nor has Thy grace such a reputation nor does it resemble that which Thou hast awarded by Thy kindness and generosity to those who believe in Thy unity I definitely conclude that hadst Thou not ordained punishment for those who disbelieved in Thee, and hadst Thou not decreed Thy enemies to remain in hell,
Thou wouldst have made the hell cold and peaceful and there would never have been an abode or place for any one in it; but sanctified be Thy Names, Thou hast sworn to fill the hell with the disbelievers from amongst the jinns and mankind together and to place forever Thy enemies therein
And Thou, exalted be Thy praises, hadst made manifest, out of Thy generosity and kindness, that a believer is not like unto him who is an evil-liver.
My Lord! My Master! I, therefore implore Thee by that power which Thou determineth and by the decree which Thou hast finalised and ordained whereby Thou hath prevailed upon whom
Thou hast imposed it, to bestow upon me this night and this very hour the forgiveness for all the transgressions that I have been guilty of, for all the sins that I have committed, for all the loathsome acts that I have kept secret and for all the evils done by me, secretly or openly, in concealment or outwardly and for every evil action that Thou hast ordered the two noble scribes to confirm whom Thou hast appointed to record all my actions and to be witnesses over me along with the limbs of my body, whilst Thou observeth over me besides them and wast witness to those acts concealed from them?
Which Thou in Thy mercy hast kept secret and through Thy kindness unexposed and I pray to Thee to make my share plentiful in all the good that Thou dost bestow; in all the favours that Thou dost grant; and in all the virtues that Thou dost allow to be known everywhere; and in all the sustenance and livelihood that Thou dost expand and in respect of all the sins that Thou dost forgive and the wrongs that Thou dost cover up O' Lord! O' Lord! O' Lord!
O' my God! My Lord! My King! O' Master of my freedom! O' Thou who holdeth my destiny and who art aware of my suffering and poverty,
O' Thou who knoweth my destitution and starvation, o' my Lord! O' Lord, o' Lord! I beseech Thee by Thy glory and Thy honour, by Thy supremely high attributes and by Thy names to cause me to utilise my time, day and night, in Thy remembrance, by engaging myself in serving Thee (Thy cause) and to let my deeds be such as to be acceptable to Thee, so much so that all my actions and offerings (prayers) may be transformed into one continuous and sustained effort and my life may take the form of constant and perpetual service to Thee
O' my Master! O' Thou upon Whom I rely! O' Thou unto Whom I express my distress!
O' my Lord! My Lord! My Lord! Strengthen my limbs for Thy service and sustain the strength of my hands to persevere in Thy service and bestow upon me the eagerness to fear Thee and constantly to serve Thee
So that I may lead myself towards Thee in the field with the vanguards who are in the fore rank and be swift towards Thee among those who hasten towards Thee and urge eagerly to be near Thee and draw myself towards Thee like them who sincerely draw themselves towards Thee and to fear Thee like the fear of those who believe firmly in Thee and thus I may join the congregation of the faithful congregated near Thee (for protection)
O' Allah! Whosoever intendeth evil against me, let ill befall on him and frustrate him who plots against me and assign for me a place in Thy presence with the best of Thy bondsmen and nearer abode to Thee, for verily that position cannot be attained except through Thy grace and treat me benevolently, and through Thy greatness extend
Thy munificence towards me and through Thy mercy protect me and cause my tongue to accentuate Thy remembrance and my heart filled with Thy love and be liberal to me by Thy gracious response and cause my evils to appear fewer and forgive me my errors.
For verily, Thou hast ordained for Thy bondsmen Thy worship and bidden them to supplicate unto Thee and hast assured them (of Thy) response
So, my Lord! I look earnestly towards Thee and towards Thee, my Lord! I have stretched forth my hands therefore, by Thy honour, respond to my supplication and let me attain my wishes and, by Thy bounty, frustrate not my hopes and protect me from the evils of my enemies, from among the jinns and mankind o' Thou! Who readily pleased, forgive one who owns nothing but supplication for Thou doest what Thou willest o' Thou!
Whose Name is the remedy (for all ills) and Whose remembrance is a sure cure for all ailments and obedience to Whom makes one self sufficient; have mercy on one whose only asset is hope and whose only armour is lamentation O' Thou! Who perfecteth all bounties and Who wardeth off all misfortunes!
O' Light! Who illuminateth those who are in bewilderment! O' Omniscient! Who knoweth without (acquisition of) learning! Bless Mohammed and the Descendants of Mohammed and do unto me in accordance with that which befitteth Thee,
and deal with me not in accordance to my worth May the blessings of Allah be bestowed upon His Apostle and the Rightful Imams from his Descendants and His peace be upon them plentifully.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of worlds. And blessings of Allah and peace be on our Chief Muhammad, His Prophet, and on his children.
O my Allah All praise is for Thee for that which Thou decided upon and resolved in the matter of Thy friends, whom Thou purified for Thyself and Thy religion.
When wisdom and high rank from Thee, prostrated themselves in adoration before them (from the Bountiful Preserving Lord), for whom neither there was any decreased, nor dispersion thereafter, then Thou stipulated for them piety and righteousness.
While they were in this mean and crooked world, free from its pomp, vanity and false enjoyments, Thy overreaching authority made known their identity; and equipped them with sincerity and perfection stood surety for them and communicated intimately with them, sent the news of their auspicious arrival in advance, and praised them in clear terms for the benefit of one and all.
Fell down on the ground in prostration Thy Angels before them, Thou chose them to reveal Thy Words, gave them Thy wisdom as a gift, set them up as the (only) medium to reach Thee, the only means to the eternal land of peace and happiness.
One dwelled in Paradise until Thou sent him on (as the first Prophet). One was made to cruise the "Ark", and had been rescued, and kept safe from destruction through Thy mercy.
One was chosen and prepared for Thy Mission, as (Thy) Friend, (who) made a request to Thee for a good report in (his) later generations, so Thou approved and complied with, exalted them and gave them authority.
One was spoken directly through the Tree, his brother was appointed his successor and helper. One was brought in without a father, was given clear proofs, and was supported with the Holy Spirit.
For each Thou prescribed a Divine law, and set up a traced out path, each was appointed a guardian-executor, (and each) fulfilled the duty after being kept safe and protected, in the term of establishing Thy religion, a witness and argument over Thy servants (mankind), Lest the truth staggered from its firm stand and foundation, and the falsehood conquered the hearts of the people, and might not say a single man:
"If only Thou had sent a Messenger unto us as a Warner, to show us the path of wisdom and guidance, so that we might have followed Thy revelations before we were (thus) humbled and disgraced!"
Then Thou made plans to bring out the wonderful advent of Muhammad, (Send blessing on him and on his children). So Thou just as chose him master of Whosoever Thou created, made him (whom Thou Selected), pure, clean and the best, exalted and praised him (whom Thou elected), surpassed in generosity and liberality while bestowing high-mindedness and beneficence upon him (whom Thou took in confidence and relied upon); made him leader-in- chief of (all) thy Prophets, and sent him to the troubled world of men and jinn, among Thy servants, lowered and humbled before him the Easts and the Wests, under his total control was brought all affairs, exalted his soul in Thy heavens gave over to him the knowledge of what took place and what will happen, concerning facts and operation of creation.
Then invested him with awe and majesty, Jibraeel, Meekaaeel, and distinguished Angels stood around; him at his beck and call, gave Thy word to him that Thou would make his religion prevail over all religions, however much the idolaters may be averse.
Thereafter acknowledged his atonement and provided good and perfection for his children, allotted for him and his children the first sanctuary appointed for mankind, at Becca (Mecca), a blessed place, a guidance to the people, wherein are plain and clear signs; the place where Ibrahim stood up to pray, and whosoever enters it is safe.
Thou said:
" Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O "People of the House", and purify you with a thorough purification."
Thereupon Thou settled conclusively fee (recompense) of Muhammad (Thy blessings be on him and on his children) love for them, in Thy Holy Book.
So Thou said:
"Say (O Muhammad): I ask of you no fee (recompense) therefore, save love of (my) Kinsfolk."
And Thou said :
" Whatever recompense (return) I have asked for you, (it) is only for yourselves."
And Thou said:
"I ask of you no reward for this, save that, whoso will, chooses a way unto his Lord."
Therefore they are the (only) means to (approach) Thee, the (only) medium to get Thy favours.
So Thou certainly did not let his hard work go waste, and gave authority to his successor, Ali ibne Abi Talib, (Thy blessings be on them both, and on this children), a guide. At the time when he was made a Warner and a guide for every people, said he (the Holy Prophet), their Guide, in a public meeting overflowing with people;
" Of Whomsoever I am the Mawla (Lord, Master) Ali is his Mawlaa. O Allah! be a friend of him who is a friend of him, be an enemy of him who is an enemy of him, help that man who helps him, forsake that man who forsakes him" and said:
"Of whosoever I am the Prophet Ali is his Chief." And said: "I and Ali are (one basic root of) a tree, and the rest of mankind are like diverse plants, he proclaims the position (relationship) of Haaroon to Moosaa."
Therefore he told him: "I am to you as Moosaa was to Haaroon, but certainly there is no Prophet after me.
" His (Ali's) life partner was his (Muhammad's) daughter the chief of the women of the worlds. Lawful was for him (Ali), in "the mosque", that which was permitted to him (Muhammad), all doors were closed, except his door. He (Muhammad) gave his knowledge and wisdom into his (Ali's) keeping.
He said:
"I am the city (centre) of knowledge and Ali is its gate. Whoso desires to approach and dwell in the city of knowledge and wisdom should come through its door."
Thereafter he said:
"You are my brother, successor and inheritor, your flesh is my flesh, your blood is my blood, your truce is my truce, your fight is my fight, faith is blended, mixed and mingled (part and parcel) in your flesh and blood, just as it is compounded in my flesh and blood, you shall take charge of the reservoir of my inheritance, you are the fulfilment of my religion, you shall execute and keep alive my "way of life", your friends and followers shall speak with authority, command respect and hold the torch of good manners and refinements, their faces will be all around me in the eternal land of peace and bliss (Paradise), in my close company. Were it not you O Ali, the faithfuls would not know the truth after me.
" After him (Muhammad) be (Ali) was the guide for the wanderers, a bright light in the blind darkness, the strong rope of Allah, and the right path, did not ever hold back kindness and compassion from the common people, nor ever made excuses or delay to give priority to the matters of religion, nor blew his own trumpet nor felt proud of his glory, did the same thing the Messenger used to do, (Blessing of Allah be on them both and on their children) put an end to misinterpretation, did not lose temper, for the sake of Allah, if any one turned to mud-slinging and name-calling. He had thrown the proud tribal chiefs of Arabia into a fright, destroyed their heroes , attacked and dispersed their cavalries, because of which hatred and deep grudge took root in their hearts.
Badr, Khaybar, and Hunain created jealousy and envy in them, therefore, united they joined hands to oppose him, and came out in great number to fight against him, till he destroyed all deserters, who had swerved from what was right, the shameless who deviated from true religion, while he was carrying out the important mission. Killed him a malicious criminal, a contemporary, serving the interest and following the doctrine of earlier impudent villains.
An unparalleled and outlandish approach was applied to the directions of the Messenger of Allah,(Blessings of Allah be on him and on his children), concerning the "Guides" (Imaams), one after the other.
The narrow-minded obstinate "ummah" did not care for and had ill-feelings towards him. Flocked together to pass up and deny his connection with his family, and pushed his children out of their way, but a handful of sincere faithfuls kept their promise and dutifully upheld the rights of his children; Some were slain, some were held prisoners, some were sent to distant foreign lands, and they met face to face (when came upon) their destiny (martyrdom).
That which is given to each (of them) as reward of good deeds is the best recompense, since the earth belongs to Allah, and He gives it for an inheritance to whom He wants from among His servants, and the (good) end is for the God-fearing wise; glory to our Lord! Verily the promise of our Lord must be fulfilled; Allah does not break His word, He is Almighty, Wise.
So be purified and refined by making known and remembering the choicest children of Muhammad and Ali, blessings of Allah be on them both, and on their children. The heartbroken, in tears, make their hearts bleed, together with them, the deeply moved perceptive men of letters describe their wisdom and liberality, as they themselves used to do, eyes of sensitive and thoughtful people are full of overflowing tears, their voices choked up with emotion; they cry out to protest against the injustice done, they call up dumb and insensate souls to stir and take notice.
Where is Hasan? Where is Husayn?
Where are the children of Husayn? The whole good, one and all!
The truth altogether! Where is the regular unbroken vital connection?
Where is the on going sequence of desirable goodness?
Where are the clear source and spring of Light (vision and insight)?
Where are the lively vivid handsome faces?
Where are the distinctly visible pioneers?
Where are the "know all the answers" scholars who communicated and made clear the religion of Allah? The fundamentals of knowledge and wisdom!
Where is the 'Everlasting legacy of God"? (never ever is the "family of Guides" without One).
Where is the impenetrable defence who broke the back of the oppressive tyrants?
Where is the "awaited saviour" who will set the have-nots and the depressed on their feet?
Where is the "The Hope" who will put and end to tyranny and oppression?
Where is the "preserved guaranty" who shall give new life to rule of law and refined way of life?
Where is the "Chosen in preference good" who shall raise the spirits of the people and give currency to justice and fairplay?
Where is the "hope-giving confidante" who shall make full use of the "Book" and define the sphere of action? Where is he who shall blot out dogma in the matter of religion and his (Muhammad's) children?
Where is he who shall break up meddlesome trouble and tampering?
Where is he who shall pull down the foundations of confusion (polytheists) and hypocrisy?
Where is he who shall stamp out corruption, vice, reaction and injustice?
Where is he who shall trim the outgrowth of despair, longing and hardships?
Where is he who shall erase the traces of unfairness and self- seeking conceit?
Where is he who shall untie the twisted knots of falsehood and disruption?
Where is he who shall separate senselessness and insolence from the people?
Where is he who shall tear up by the roots obstinacy, corruption and apostasy? Where is he who shall love dearly the favourites of Allah and take pains to tame and train the transgressors?
Where is he who shall make people familiar with "words of wisdom"?
Where is the ultimate (Divine) source of plenty and prosperity?
Where is the "Divine aspect" the God-fearing may look up to?
Where is the link that connects the cosmic complex?
Where is the authority who shall communicate and make known the true point of view?
Where is the author of the conception of peace, fairplay and welfare?
Where is the defender of the traditions of the Prophets and their children?
Where is the investigator of the blood of the Martyrs of Karbala?
Where is he who shall get the upper hand over the perpetrators of crime and greed?
Where is he who shall not rest until he answers the cries of help when called upon?
Where is the foremost leader of the people the just, the truthful and the wise?
Where is the son of the chosen Prophet? The son of Ali Al-Murtaza!
The son of Khadejah, the resplendent! The son of Fatimah, the great!
My father, my mother, and I turn to you for protection and sanctuary. O Son of the favourite Leaders! O Son of the distinguished nobles! O Son of the rightly guided Guides! O Son of the most refined high-minded liberals! O Son of the select generous Guardians! O Son of the polite and pure purifiers! O Son of the impartial judges! O Son of the open handed hosts! O Son of the mature teachers! O Son of the brilliant fulfillers! O Son of the clear and precise arguments who penetrated deep (into the domain of mind)! O inheritor of the made known prophesy! O inheritor of the clear preaching! O inheritor of the evident signs! O inheritor of the exact science! O inheritor of the widely sought after culture and customs! O inheritor of the milestones of glory and greatness! O inheritor of the extraordinary events! O inheritor of the reason that had been put to experiment! O inheritor of the Right Path! O inheritor of the Message that made deep impression on mankind! O Son of him who is in the "Mother of the Book" kept with Allah, the Highest High, the All-wise. O inheritor of the convincing proofs! O inheritor of the genuine evidence! O inheritor of the distinctly visible demonstration! O inheritor of the decisive information! O inheritor of the absolute joy and happiness! O inheritor of "T'aa-haa" and clear wisdom! O inheritor of "Yaa seen" and "Zaariyaat" O inheritor of "T'oor" and "A'adiyaat" O Son of him who "drew near and came down till he was two bows' length or nearer." (The Highest High came near and received him gladly). If I but knew the destination of your purposeful journey!
To which isolated land did you go? Good, pleasant and satisfying? Or otherwise? Or in well guarded concealment? It breaks my heart (when) I look at all that has been created, but cannot see you, nor hear a whisper about your whereabouts, nor any secret communication!
It is disheartening to know that you are attending to and watching over the disorder and confusion, and I, in the thick of violent turmoil, am far away, unable to give report of injustice.
I eagerly long for you who is out of sight, but has not forsaken us.
I eagerly long for you who has departed and is invisible, but is not far from us.
I eagerly long for you who inspires love and deep affection, and the faithful men and women take delight in your memorable glory. So we are excited with a longing desire.
I eagerly long for you who is worthy of acceptance and lawful driving force of belief and conviction, never weary or annoyed.
I eagerly long for you who is the root of praise and distinction, never can be uprooted.
I eagerly long for you who is always tender, gentle and comforting, never makes one's affairs worse instead of better.
I eagerly long for you who is just and equitable beyond a trace of doubt, does not take severe action until misbehaviour trespasses the limit.
O Master! How long and unto what is to be directed (my) request for friendly attention concerning you? And what is the message? It makes me sad to get favourable reply from anyone other than you, but to be duped and cheated in the end. It casts a gloom upon me that you suffered hardships and the chicken hearted deserters left you alone.
It is painful for me what took place for you from them and that which had happened. Is there a helper with whom I may cooperate and take pains? Is there a restless with whom I may share when action is taken? Is there a faint twinkle of evidence to make me willingly take up the trouble?
Do you O Son of Ahmed have means and ways to arrange our meeting? Can you once cleverly guide the course of time, so that we may obtain our wish?
When shall we abridge the gap that separates us from the vision so that we may refer to the authority? How long shall we keep waiting for your pleasing satisfying essence and quality?
Already the period of expectation has lasted too long! When shall we receive our share from you and have our minds set at rest? For we have fixed our eyes upon you and strive with perseverance.
When shall we be happy, and see your beautiful form and fine aspect? Groups of cheerful willing disciplined helpers, in great numbers, gathering around you to carry out one work after the other!
You fulfilling (every promise) and giving joy, heart and confidence (to the faithfuls); filling the earth with justice; making your enemies follow the law and accept the revolution; taking the wind out of the haughty and the boastful, and those who knew but denied the truth; breaking the back of the proud and the arrogant; uprooting the roots of the unjust; and we-singing the praise of Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
O my Allah! Thou disperses the clouds of sorrows and hardships.
Unto Thee we turn to ask for help against the enemy; for Thou (alone) helps and guides. Thou (alone) puts into good order affairs of this world and shall make better the Hereafter. So come to help!
O He Who is called to help the helpless, Thy servants, surrounded by calamities. Show them the face of their Leader.
O the Mightiest Almighty. Allow him to put an end to evil and corruption, and satisfy his Love ( for the faithfuls ) and dislike (for the sinners).
O He Who, from the "Arsh directs and controls all creation, and unto Him is the return, final and ultimate.
O my Allah! We are Thy servants, longing for Thy friend (appointed authority), who reminds us of Thee, and Thy Prophet, who was created as a refuge and asylum for us, established as a foundation and spring of truthfulness for us, and was made the Leader-Guide of the faithfuls.
Convey to him our heartfelt congratulations and welcome. Make us feel more deeply for him.
O Lord! Very Kindly, make his headquarters our place of domicile and dwelling abode, and fulfil Thy promise by returning him to us as our Leader Guide, so that he takes us to the eternal land of peace and bliss, where we shall rub elbows with Thy sincere servants who shed blood to pronounce the Faith.
O Allah send Thy blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad. Bless his ancestor Muhammad, the Messenger , the foremost Leader, and bless his progenitor, the succeeding Leader, and his great grandmother, the ever truthful, Fatimah daughter of Muhammad, and his chosen virtuous forefathers, and send blessings on him, superior, whole, conclusive, staying, numerous, and full, not ever bestowed (even) on any of Thy sincerely attached and pious friends from among Thy creation. Bless him with blessings, (that) cannot be counted in numbers, cannot be "proximated" in space of time, cannot be consumed in terms of having nothing remaining.
O my Allah! Set up truth, destroy falsehood, show the right path to Thy friends, humiliate Thy enemies, and do it without interruption, (through him).
O my Allah! Unite us with him. Let us be friends with his ancestors. Give us courage to disperse those who oppose and try to prevent him, and make them stay in their shame and disgrace for ever.
Help us to discharge the duties made incumbent upon us by him, and make every effort to obey him, keep from that which is declared unlawful by him, rely upon him to get his approval. Let us be with him when he makes peace, and frees mankind from fear, gives currency to love are kindness, brings bliss and happiness, spreads good and virtue, so that we may do our best to promote his cause through Thy mercy, and win victory for Thee.
Accept our prayers, forgive our sins, fulfil our desires, give us means of livelihood, unrestricted, make less our hardships, meet our demands in full (through him). Turn towards us Thy kindness and loving aspects, and bring us close to Thee. Turn the eyes of Thy mercy upon us, to bring to fullness Thy kind favours, and after that do not ever let them disappear in the name of Thy generosity, and give us the opportunity to quench our thirst from the spring of his great grandfather (Kawsar), (blessing of Allah be on him and on his children), using his cup, filled by him, fresh and pure, sufficient, wholesome, clear and cool, not leaving any desire thereafter, O the Most Merciful.
In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate Fatimatuz-Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet, peace be on them, is to have thus related ( an event ) : My father, the Prophet of Allah, came to my house one day and said to me : "Peace be on you, Fatimah" I replied : "And upon you be peace" Then he said : "I feel weakness in my body" I said : "Allah protects you from weakness, father" He said : "Fatimah, please bring Yemeni cloak and cover me with it" So, I brought the Yemeni cloak and covered him with it. Then, I looked at him and saw that his face was shining like a full moon with its glory and splendor After a while, my son Hasan came in and said : "Peace be on you, mother" I replied : "And upon you peace, O light of my eyes, and the delight of my heart" He then said : "Mother! I smell a fragrance so sweet and so pure as that of my grandfather, the Prophet of Allah" I replied : "Yes. Your grandfather is lying underneath the cloak" Hasan went near the cloak and said : "Peace be on you, my grandfather, the Prophet of Allah; May I enter the cloak with you?" He replied : "And upon you peace, my son and the master of my fountain (Kauthar), you are given the permission to enter" So, Hasan entered the cloak with him. After a while, my Husain came in and said : "Peace be on you, mother" I replied : "And upon you peace, O light of my eyes, and the delight of my heart" He then said : "Mother! I smell a sweet fragrance like that of my grandfather, the Prophet of Allah" I replied : "Yes. Your grandfather and your brother are lying underneath the cloak" Husain stepped towards the cloak and said : "Peace be on you, my grandfather, the Chosen of Allah; May I enter the cloak with you?" He replied : "And upon you peace, my son and interceder of my followers, you are given the permission to enter" So, Husain entered the cloak with them. After a while, Abul Hasan, Ali bin Abi Talib came in and said : "Peace be on you, O daughter of the Prophet of Allah" I replied : "And upon you peace, O father of Hasan, and the Commander of the faithful" He then said : "Fatimah! I smell a sweet fragrance like that of my brother, (my cousin), the Prophet of Allah" I replied : "Yes. He is underneath the cloak with your two sons" So, Ali went near the cloak and said : "Peace be on you, Prophet of Allah; May I enter the cloak with you?" He replied : "And upon you peace, my brother, my legatee, my successor, and my standard bearer, you are given the permission to enter" So, Ali entered the cloak with them. Then I stepped forward and said : "Peace be on you, my father, O Prophet of Allah; May I enter the cloak with you?" He replied : "And upon you peace, my daughter, O part of my self; you are given the permission to enter" So, I entered the cloak with them. Getting together underneath the cloak, my father, the Prophet of Allah, held the two ends of the cloak and raised his right hand towards the heavens and prayed : "O Allah, these are the people of my Household (Ahlul-Bayt). They are my confidants and my supporters. Their flesh is my flesh and their blood is my blood. Whoever hurts them, hurts me too. Whoever displeases them, displeased me too. I am at war with those at war with them. I am at peace with those at peace with them. I am the enemies of their enemies and I am the friend of their friends. They are from me and I am from them. O Allah! Bestow Your Blessings, Benevolence, Forgiveness and Your pleasure upon me and upon them. And remove impurity from them and keep them thoroughly pure" Then the Lord, Almighty Allah said : "O My angles! O Residents of My Heavens, verily, I have not created the erected Sky, the stretched earth, the illuminated moon, the bright sun, the rotating planets, the flowing seas and the sailing ships, but for the love of these Five lying underneath the cloak" Gabriel, the trusted angle, asked : "Who are under the cloak?" The Almighty answered : "They are the Household of the Prophet and the assets of Prophethood. They are : Fatimah, her father, her husband and her two sons" Gabriel said : "O Lord, May I fly to earth to be the sixth of them?" Allah replied : "Yes. You are given the permission" Gabriel, the trusted, landed near them and said : "Peace be on you, O Prophet of Allah. The All-Highest conveys His peace on you and His greetings and says: "By My Honor and Glory, O My angles! O Residents of My Heavens, verily, I have not created the erected Sky, the stretched earth, the illuminated moon, the bright sun, the rotating planets, the flowing seas and the sailing ships, but for your sake and love" God has given me permission to enter the cloak with you. May I join you, O Prophet of Allah?" The Prophet replied : "And peace be on you, O trusted bearer of Allah's Revelations! you are granted the permission" So, Gabriel entered the cloak with us and said to my father : "Allah sends His Revelations to you" Verily Allah's desire is to remove blemish from you, O People of Household (Ahlul-Bayt) and purify you with a perfect purification"
Then Ali said to my father: "O Prophet of Allah, tell me: What significance has Allah reserved from His grace for this gathering of ours under this cloak?"
The Prophet replied: "I swear by He who rightfully appointed me a Prophet and selected me with prophethood as a saviour: this episode of ours will not be recounted in any gathering from the gatherings of the people of the earth where a group of our shias and lovers are present except that there will descend upon them mercy! And angels will encircle them asking Allah the remission of their sins until the assembly disperses!"
So Ali said: "In that case, We have attained success, and our Shias have attained success, by the Lord of the Ka'bah!"
Then the Prophet replied a second time: "O Ali! I swear by He who rightfully appointed me a Prophet and selected me with prophethood as a saviour: this episode of ours will not be recounted in any gathering from the gatherings of the people of the earth where a group of our shias and lovers are present and there be a person present full of grief except that Allah will remove his grief! And no person in distress except that will dispel his distress! And no seeker of any wish except that Allah grants his wish! So Ali stated: "In that case, by Allah! We have attained success and felicity, and our followers also have attained success and felicity, in this world and the hereafter, by the Lord of the Ka'bah!"
O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
O Allaah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad. In the name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Peace be on you, O the decisive argument of Allaah on His earth ! Peace be on you, O the ultimate link of Allah with the mankind ! Peace be on you, O the truth and enlightenment of Allaah whom the guided on the Right Path follow and imitate, and who gives heart, joy and confidence to the faithfuls! Peace be on you, O the just, pure and refined, rendered formidable! Peace be on you, O the “Wali” (beloved favourite of Allaah, a friend, a helper) who always gives sincere advice! Peace be on you, O the means and medium of liberation and assurance ! Peace be on you, O the spring and essence of life ! Peace be on you. Bleessings of Allaah be on you and on your pure and pious family. Peace be on you. May Allaah fulfil, at once, in advance , the promise He made with you – to shower mercy and make distinctly visible (your) leadership. Peace be on you, O Loving Protector ! I am your friend and follower, well aware of your priority and ultimate purpose. I come near Allaah, the Highest High, through you and your family. I look forward to be there when you come, at your disposal for making known the truth. I request Allaah to send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, and make room for me amid those who have fixed the look upon you, who shall comply with your instructions and help you against your enemies, and let me be present before you along with all your friends. O loving protector ! O the Man of the moment ! Blessings of Allaah be on you and on your family. Today is Friday, a day you are expected to come; the faithfuls will be free of cares and troubles when you shall arrive, and with one strike shall put an end to the intrigues of the infidels. I, O the Loving friend, in these hours, seek your hospitality and friendship. You, O my Loving friend, are kind and generous, a true son of the kind and generous forefathers, always inclined by nature to be hospitable and friendly. So give me a warm welcome and make friends with me. Blessings of Allaah be on you and on your family.
O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.
Kafami says in his book Baladul Amin that if a wrongfully confined prisoner recite this dua'a he will soon be set free. If a person find himself surrounded by misfortunes or intrigues he must recite this dua'a to come through tight situations, deadlock and crises. This dua'a is attributed to the living Imam Sahibuz zaman.It brings immediate help from our living imam.
O Allah, terrible was the calamity, and its evil consequences are visible, the covering has been removed, (all) hopes have been cut off, the (plentiful) earth has shrunk (with very little to spare), the heavenly blessings have been withheld. You alone can help, we refer our grief and sorrow to You, we have full faith in You, in the time of distress, as well as in good fortune. O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, whom we must obey as per Your command, through which we become aware of their rank and status, and let there be joy after sorrow for us, for their sake, right away, in the twinkle of an eye, more rapidly than that. O Muhammad, O Ali, O Ali, O Muhammad, Give me enough, because both of you provide sufficiently. Help me, because both of you help and protect.
O our master, O the living Imam, HELP! HELP! HELP! Reach me! Reach me! Reach me!
At once, in this hour. Be quick, be quick, be quick, O the most merciful, for the sake of Muhammad and his pure children.
O Allah, I beseech Thee, and turn towards Thee, through Thy Prophet, the Prophet of Mercy, Muhammad, may Allah Bless him and his Progeny, and grant them peace. O Abul-Qasim, O Messenger of Allah O guide of mercy, O intercessor of the community, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need; O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O Abul Hasan, O Commander of the Faithful, O ‘Ali, son of Abu Talib, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O Fatima Zahra, O daughter of Muhammad, O Joy to the eye of the Prophet, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in Judgement over us.
O Abu Muhammad, O Hasan, son of ‘Ali, O elected one O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O Abu Abdallah, O Husain, son of ‘Ali, O Martyr O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O Abu Muhammad, O ‘Ali, son of al-Husain, O Zayn al-Abidin, O Prostrator before Allah O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O Abu Ja’far, O Muhammad, son of ‘Ali, O knowledgeable one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O Abu ‘Abdallah, O Ja’far, son of Muhammad, O truthful one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O Abu Ibrahim, O Musa, son of Ja’far, O tranquil one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O Abul Hasan, O ‘Ali, son of Musa, O devoted one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O Abu Ja’far, O Muhammad, son of ‘Ali, O generous, Taqi’ and pious one, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O Abul Hasan, O Ali, son of Muhammad, O guide (Hadi) and pure one (Naqi), O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O Abu Muhammad, O Hasan, son of ‘Ali, O Wise one and warrior, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, O our chief, O our master, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O inheritor of al-Hasan, O successor, O upright one, O Proof, O awaited upriser, O Mahdi, O descendant of the Messenger of Allah, O decisive argument of Allah over mankind, We turn towards thee, seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah, we put before you our open need, O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us.
O our chief , O our master, O my chiefs, O my Masters, I turn to Allah through you, O my Imams, my supporters on the days of my destitution. I seek your advocacy before Allah, I request you to speak in my favour before Allah, obtain pardon for me from Allah, and deliver me from my sins, through my love of you and nearness to you, obtain deliverance (for me) from Allah O my chiefs, O close friends of Allah, may Allah bless all of them, and curse the enemies of Allah who have oppressed them and will oppress them so be it, O Lord of the worlds.
Peace be upon you, O the caller of Allah and place of manifestation of His signs.
Peace be upon you, O the door of Allah and the devout one of His religion.
Peace be upon you, O the vicegerent of Allah and the helper of His truth.
Peace be upon you, O the proof of Allah and the Guide of His intention.
Peace be upon you, O the reciter of Allah's book and its interpreter.
Peace be upon you in your night and in your day.
Peace be upon you, O the remnant of Allah on His earth.
Peace be upon you, O the covenant of Allah, which He took it and He fastened it.
Peace be upon you, O the promise of Allah which He guaranteed it.
Peace by upon you, O the manifested flag
and the one who is filled with knowledge and the help
and the far-reaching mercy a promise which is not a lie.
Peace be upon you while you are standing
Peace be upon you while you are sitting.
Peace be upon you when you are reading and explaining
Peace be upon you when you are praying and supplicating.
Peace be upon you when you are bowing and prostrating.
Peace be upon you when you are saying "There is no God except Allah' and (when) you are saying 'Allah is greater (than what He is described).'
Peace be upon you when you are praising (Allah) and seeking forgiveness.
Peace be upon you when you enter the morning and the evening.
Peace be upon you in the night when it envelops
and the day when it becomes manifest. Peace
be upon you, O the leader, the protected one.
Peace be upon you, O the prior hoped one.
Peace be upon you by the collections of the salutations.
I call you as a witness, O my Master, certainly I
testify that there is no god except Allah, He is alone, there is no partner with Him.
And indeed I testify that Mohammad is His servant and His Apostle;
There is no beloved except him and his progeny.
And I call you as a witness, O my Master certainly Ali, the commander of the believers, is His proof.
And Hasan is His proof. And Husayn is His proof.
And Ali, son of Husayn is His proof.
And Muhammad, son of Ali is His proof.
And Ja'far, son of Mohammad is His proof.
And Moosa, son of Ja'far is His proof.
And Ali, son of Moosa is His proof.
And Muhammad, son of Ali is His proof.
And Ali, son of Mohammad is His proof.
And Hasan, son of Ali is His proof.
And I testify that indeed you are the proof of Allah.
All of you, the first and the last.
And surely your return is a truth, there is no doubt in it.
The day when belief of none will benefit himself who previously
did notbelieve or acquired a goodness through his belief. And indeed death is a truth.
And indeed Naakir and Nakeer is a truth.
And I testify that indeed the scattering (stage of Qiyamat) is a truth and the raising is a truth.
And indeed the bridge (over hell) is a truth and the watching place is a truth.
And the balance is a truth and the gathering is a truth
And the accounting (of deeds) is a truth and the Paradise
and the hell is a truth. And the promise (of reward) and the threat (of the punishment) in them is a truth.
O my Master, one who opposes you is unlucky. And one who obeys you is lucky.
And I am a friend for you, acquitted from your enemy.
Then testify whatever I made you a witness upon it.
So the truth is whatever you are satisfied with. And the untrue is whatever you are angry with.
And the goodness is whatever you ordered. And the evil is whatever you have prohibited from.
So lam abeliever in Allah, He alone, there is no partner with Him.
And (I am a believer) in His Apostle and in the commander of the believers.
And in you O my Master, the first among you and the last among you. And my help is intended for you. And my love is purely for you. Amen! Amen ! (Accept! Accept!)
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Peace be upon you O Master of the Age and Time. Peace be upon you O Successor of the Most Beneficent. Peace be upon you O Partner of the Qur'an. Peace be upon you O Splitter of the Proof. Peace be upon you O Imam over mankind and Jinn.
May Allah hasten your return and make easy your reappearance; and place us amongst your helpers and aides.
May the Peace, Mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you, your Righteous fathers and your Pure grandfathers.
Sayyid ibn Tawus, Kafami and other Ulama, narrate from various books that Imam as Sadiq (as) has said:
"Whoever reads the following Dua for forty days straight makes a promise with Allah (swt), and he will be one of the helpers of al-Qaim (ajtf), and if one dies before the rise of al-Qaim, then Allah will raise one up from the grave so that one may be able to help the Imam. Allah will grant one who reads this Dua 1000 good deeds for every letter recited and will forgive 1000 sins for every letter recited."
Bismillah Arahman Araheem. Allahumma sale ala Muhammad wa ale Muhammad.
O Allah, the Sustainer of the Great Light, the Exalted Throne, and the tempestuous sea, the revealer of the Taurat, Injil and Zabur, the Sustainer of the shade and the heat, the Revealer of the great Qur'an, the Sustainer of the honored angels, Prophets and the Messengers:
O Allah, I beseech You by Your benevolent countenance and its brilliance and eternal kingdom; O the Ever Living, O the Self-subsisting, by Your name which illuminates the heavens and the earths and by Your name by which the predecessors and the posterity are reformed, O the Everpresent before any living thing existed and the Everlasting even after all life will cease. O Ever-living even when there was no life at all, O One who resurrects the dead and brings death to the living, O Ever-living, there is no God except You.
O Allah, convey to our Master, the Imam (as), the guide, the guided, the one established in authority by Your command, may Your blessings be on him and on his pure ancestors, from all the faithful male and female, in the East and the West of the world, in the plains or on the mountains, on the lands and in the sea, and from me and my parents, blessings that equal in weight the "Throne" of Allah, the ink of His words and such as only encompassed by His knowledge and covered by His book.
O Allah, I renew on the dawn of this day and all the days of the remainder of my life my pledge, covenant and allegiance to him, as my obligation, which I shall neither ever contravene nor neglect.
O Allah, include me amongst his helpers, defenders, those fulfilling his wishes and commands, his defenders, the fore-runners to carry out his intentions and those to be martyred in his presence.
O Allah, should death intervene between me and his reappearance -- the death which You have made inevitable on Your servants -- let me out from my grave covered in my shroud, my sword unsheathed, my spear poised responding to the call of the caller in the cities and deserts.
O Allah, grace me with a sight of the appearance of one rightly guided and the finest of the praise worthy and cool my eyes with a light of one in whom I am attentive and hasten his return, render his reappearance smooth and widen his path and lead me onto his path and cause his orders to be executed and strengthen his back. O Allah, populate Your cities through him and revive your servants for indeed You have said and Your words are true: 'Mischief has shown its face on the lands and in the seas on account of what the hands of men have wrought.' (Qur'an 30:41)
O Allah, present this from us to Your friend and the son of the daughter of Your Prophet who bears the name of Your Messenger until he destroys all untruth and manifests the truth fully.
O Allah, make him the refuge for Your oppressed servants and a helper for him who has no other helper besides You and the reviver of the commandments in Your book which has been neglected and the strengthener of the sciences in Your religion and the traditions of Your Prophet. May Allah's blessing be upon him and his progeny.
O Allah, please him among those whom You have protected from the oppression of the oppressors.
O Allah, please Your Prophet Muhammad, may the blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny, and those who will obey the invitation of the Imam and have mercy on our state of abasement after his appearance.
O Allah, spare us this grief from this Ummah by his reappearance and hasten his reappearance for 'verily they (hypocrites) regard it to be far distant and we see it very near' (Qur'an 70:6-7) by Your mercy, O the most Merciful.
[Strike one's right thigh three times and each time recite the following:]
Hasten, Hasten, O My Master, O Master of the time ---- Al'Ajal, Al'Ajal, Ya Mawla Ya Saahiba- Zaman.